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the elephant in the room

Remove the Elephant in The Room For Good!

finance purpose self-leadership Jan 04, 2022

Too often, I charge into a situation when it would be better to assess where I am first. It can be painful to look back to see my mistakes and shortcomings as a result from the bull waging war against the china shop.

And yet, taking a pause and reviewing our year is the best way to determine what we need to do to make significant changes in our lives. Looking back at last year, I had some great wins and some learnings (a nicer way to say losses). Something that hindered me last year way too many times was my health. Nothing major, (although I did have COVID-19 in March) but repeat offenses in this life zone caused by my “elephant in the room!”

What’s an “elephant in the room?
A standout thing in the room that everyone knows about but refuses to address. Often it can be a behavior, mindset, or habit that holds us back from knowing, living and loving our purpose. To identify it is a big step; however, that does not remove the challenge it is to eradicate or eliminate the elephant from your daily living.

I want to tell you mine, but can you keep a secret? Just kidding…it’s a big elephant…its hard to miss! 🤪

My elephant in the Room is…

My coffee addiction
and my sugar addiction

My wife has often called me out on it, and I know she was right, but I didn’t want to admit it. Heck, my Mom even called it out on me last year on a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains. I have used “reasons” (excuses, really) to defend myself including saying to my wife that at least it’s not something I can be arrested for.

A Costly Addiction

The addiction I am finally admitting to myself, and others has cost me. It has caused health issues including mild weight gain, major energy spikes, and a weakened immune system. Those addiction by-products have also cost me time with my family (due to sickness or lethargy) and money (Haagen Daz and Kit Kats aren’t cheap). My addiction to coffee and to sugar-filled foods have also caused me to be moody, irritable, and have hindered me in knowing, living, and loving my purpose!

Why do I share this with you?

I share my “elephant in the room” with you for two reasons.

  1. I want to publicly confess because it helps me to be accountable to my vision, mission, and goals while continuing transparency and authenticity with my readers and followers.
  2. I want to help you identify and remove any elephant you have in your room so that you can know, live, and love your purpose!

Three rooms where the elephant may be lurking in your life

Before you prepare to start the new year with loads of new resolutions and goals, take some time to reassess your life in these different areas. Oftentimes, it is these areas where the “elephant in the room” can take up residence.

Your Obligations—Ever wish you had more time for what was genuinely important to you? Now’s the time to make that change. And the first step is by looking at all the things you’ve taken on that no longer feel important. Consider each committee, sponsorship, extended family, and friend obligations that no longer feel fun. If they feel like a burden, it’s time to unload them. That may feel challenging. After all, no one wants to let others down. But this is your life, and it’s time to choose you instead of others’ wants. First things first, my friend.

Your Finances—If you wish you had more money but can’t or don’t want to work more to get it, take a careful look at your finances. Quite often, little wants turn into needs without proper prioritization. Scan through last year’s bank statements and make a note of any recurring payments. You may wince when you see how much you’ve spent on unnecessary things throughout the year. Having occasional treats for you and your family is okay. But if “shopping therapy” has become a burden, now’s the time to fix it. 

Make a list of all the ways you could cut back without feeling deprived.

➤ For example, could you eat out two nights a week instead of four?

➤ Is it essential that you shop for clothes every month?

➤ How much could you save if you took your lunch to work three days a week instead of getting take-out?

➤ Do you find it fun to have four bazillion TV channels?

These are just a few ways you can trim expenses, so you can save for things that matter to you instead. Start somewhere today!

Your Dreams and Goals—Many people cite not enough time or not enough money as the reason why they stay in dead-end jobs, don’t pursue their passions, or make real changes in their lives. If that’s you, you have taken my advice and reevaluated your obligations and finances, those excuses should no longer be holding you back?

So, what do you want really?

➤ To go back to school and start a new career?

➤ Turn your side-hustle or hobby into a business?

➤ Purchase and cook homemade, whole foods that support your health and wellness?

By choosing to make those two changes in your life, you’ve now opened a whole new world for yourself. Grab it, and don’t look back!

No elephants or resolutions, just change

So, instead of all the usual new year resolutions and such, consider admitting to yourself some things that have been holding you back. Maybe they’re addictions like mine to coffee or sugar. Perhaps there something bigger or smaller. The elephant doesn’t belong in your room or mine! Let’s help it get to where it belongs and launch out quickly in 2022 pursuing our God-given dreams, goals, and purpose!

Here’s a small exercise to help you

🐘 What’s your elephant in the Room?


🐘 What are some thoughts that come to mind to eliminate it?

To help you move past this obstacle in a mighty way, check out my Dream List 7-module mini course. The Dream List helps prime the pump of the dreams inside of you! It’s time to put the dreams that are stirring inside of you to work through the fun, fast, and engaging exercises included in this mini course. To know, live, and love your purpose, it's important to dream!

Get The Dream List today!

Stay Living On-Purpose!

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